Blog Post

The Great British Spring Clean

A national initiative to keep the country tidy will happen between Friday, 17th March – 2nd April; I’m sure our local litter-picking group will continue their terrific efforts to keep our area litter free. To help with this, some LKRA members are meeting at 2 pm on Saturday 18th, March in the Recreation Ground car park to carry out a couple of hours of litter picking, so why not join them? We will have a few spare litter pickers, fluorescent jackets and bags. In addition, We will be trying to go out on other occasions during this period. The Guides are going out on Friday evening. If you don’t want to join an organised litter pick or just don’t have the time, why not pick up any litter outside your own house. It may also be time for everyone to think about their own actions and be more responsible. So often, we don’t even think about it; recently, we have had several items left quite neatly within the area of the Recycling site in Stubbs Lane, but they were inappropriate. As the name suggests, it is for things that can be recycled, not just an area where rubbish or unwanted items are dupped or abandoned.

For further information on the Great British Spring Clean, click the link below.

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