Planning Applications

It is an important function of the LKRA to comment on submitted planning applications on behalf of the village. However, the LKRA committee cannot review and comment on every application and will concentrate on those that significantly impact on the village.

To focus its resources, the LKRA will consider if a response is required on the following types of application

  • Large scale development within Lower Kingswood or impact on Lower Kingswood.
  • Development of listed buildings.
  • Development within protected areas such as conservation areas, AONB or on Green Belt land.
  • Where planning consent has not been applied for or ignored.
  • Those applications that are referred to the LKRA by residents, including committee members. In these cases the committee may review the application but may not always comment on it.

Guidance on Planning Applications

The government’s National Planning Policy sets out a framework for locally prepared plans for housing and other developments and contributes to sustainable development.

For further information on the National Planning Policy, please follow this link

The planning system is weighed in favour of development and the granting applications unless it can be shown there is a legitimate reason not to. In considering an application, the Council must consider Its planning policies, local development plan and any ‘material considerations’. For further information, please visit this link.

In brief, a Council will take into account certain considerations when making a decision; these include (but are not limited to):

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of light or overshadowing
  • Parking
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Layout and density of building


  • Design, appearance and materials
  • Government policy
  • Disabled persons’ access
  • Proposals in the Development Plan
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • Nature conservation

Issues such as loss of view or the negative effect on the value of properties are not material considerations in granting or rejecting planning consent. In registering your opposition to a planning application, it is essential to detail:

  • the facts on which your objection is based and
  • why an application should be refused.

In doing this, it is worth reviewing Council planning policies and guidance and referring your objection to the specific points where you feel an application breaches this policy.

The Council should contact adjoining residents and display a notice informing residents of the application in a prominent place locally. In most cases, the procedure allows 21 days for individuals to submit any objects or comments. If the date is to be different, the notice will usually provide a timescale and final date for

Useful links