What an amazing day with a hard-working team of local volunteers. The pond on the left-hand side of Mogoador Road, on the way to the Sportsman Pub, has been neglected for many years. 1994, that was the last time a group got together to give it some TLC. A few of the people drove past while we were doing it and said how lovely it was that this had been organized. Nicola a local resident invited the Surrey Wildlife Trust up to assess the project before work commenced. Once we had the advice on what to do to protect the wildlife we started work. We want to encourage more to visit.
We have trimmed back the bushes and tree overhang to allow more light into the pond to allow it to thrive. We have reused most of the cutback to make wildlife and bug hotels. A lovely fence was structured at the front by Sarah Lopez and Stella Rixon to protect some gorgeous violets that were poking their heads through. We also wanted to protect the grass verges where people have been parking on them. The old bench was rotten and is being replaced with a new one, thank you to Lindsey von Backström (Acting Chair for the LKRA) for her donation for this from her local plant sale, and Nicola Dunstan for sourcing the new bench at such a good price.
We will install plaques to acknowledge the historical and current groups that have made this possible. We have a bit more to do and we hope the locals appreciate the work that has gone it this and enjoy taking a seat on the bench to listen to the birds and nature. We would welcome any photos taken of you enjoying our new bench and the beautiful view across the pond for our website.
Here are a few snaps of the team involved.