Download the PDF of the minutes here
The Baptist Church, Smithy Lane
- Faye Miles (Chair for meeting),
- Nicola Dunstan,
- Belinda Harrington,
- Susie Homes,
- Sarah Lopez,
- Gill Utting
- RBBC Cllr Rod Ashford,
- RBBC Cllr Ben Green
Part 1
- Apologies had been received from:
Mike Baker, Jackie Cox, Tracy Godwin, Stella Rixon, RBBC Cllr Zelanie Cooper, SCC Cllr Frank Kelly, SCC Cllr Rebecca Paul - A warm welcome and introduction were given to our new Councillor, Ben Green and also to Jeff Temple, Chair of TWRA.
- Councillor Updates
The Chair reminded members that matters discussed at the meeting remain within the four walls of the meeting. Cllr Ashford stated that councillors are not bound by this.
- Planning issues:-
44 Beechen Lane is under appeal at present.- The Fox on the Hill public house.
Cllr Ashford said that he was concerned about this and the legality of the situation. It will obviously go to the Planning Committee. The previous application for lighting has been turned down. The RBBC Conservation Officer, John McInally had advised that The Fox is not a listed building and unlikely that it could be locally listed. It is hoped that the application will be turned down due to its proximity to the Grade I listed church (as the lighting one was) and as its position is by a dangerous crossing for pedestrians and school children.
- The Fox on the Hill public house.
Public houses come under different regulations. It could become a community pub like, for example, The Garibaldi at Redhill.
- 5G Mast application to be sited on east side of A217 at Hoarding & Fencing.
Mike Baker had submitted a report stating that he felt we should object but we were advised this mast is only a few feet taller than the mast already granted planning permission, therefore we had no grounds to object. 5G is now considered the way forward.
- Bungalow on link road between Chipstead and Beechen Lanes Jackie had requested this application be considered. It’s actual location was not known by members but would look at the situation and give due consideration.
- Old Pheasantry – It was pointed out that the result of the Appeal date had now passed and no result known. Parking is still happening on the bridleway. It was suggested that photographs be taken and sent to SCC who register all bridleways and pathways. It was pointed out that the Bridleways and Highways Act empower the police to keep the area clear.
- Finger Post sign at Buckland/Mogador Road jct. Cllr Ashford had met with resident Lindsey von Backstrom. They were unsure who is responsible for this sign. It was pointed out that the LKRA had in the past year clarified that the RBBC Conservation Officer had stated that RBBC was responsible.
- Ms. von Backstrom had indicated she was prepared to contribute £1,000 from her annual plant sale towards the cost. The Kingswood Village Hall Trust and the LKRA could be approached for the balance. Susie Homes will approach Mr. McInally with regard to obtaining quotations. Previously obtained quotations need updating due to lapse of time. Cllr Ashford will forward details to Susie Homes.
- Puddle at entrance to Rec. Cllr Ashford had agreed to make enquiries. He will chase up a response.
- Flooding on A217 Despite the drains having recently been cleaned this had happened again recently. This should be reported to SCC and copied to Cllr Frank Kelly.
- Treehouse in Grub Wood Cllr Ashford mentioned that kids have been building this and also been lighting fires. It was suggested it was boys from Smithy Lane although no-one could recall any boys in Smithy Lane who might be responsible.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, 10.5.2023
Correction to the make-up of The Council. The Conservative party now has a majority of 1. It had lost a seat in Redhill West to Labour and 3 seats to Green party. - Matters Arising
Grass verge cutting – The reason for lack of cutting should be communicated to residents by SCC.
Highlands – question asked what happens if an application isn’t built exactly to the application? Cllr Green explained there is a department within Planning that deals with this. Highlands have submitted an application some weeks previously for 5 additional sites. Cllr Ashford will make enquiries and update at next meeting.
The Councillors left the meeting at this point.
Part 2
(a) Jeff Temple informed the committee of the arrangements concerning the AIG Women’s Golf tournament (9th-13th August). He said that relations with the Golf Club had not always been good but this tournament was an opportunity to re-build relations and this was working very well. The Royal & Ancient Golf Society, who were running the tournament, were impressed with the amount of local co-operation and with the Banstead Commons Conservators. Jeff showed a plan of roads, footpaths etc which would be closed during the tournament and offered to send an electronic copy. Belinda will put this on FB so the general public are informed. 3
(b) Relations between the Golf Club and Banstead Conservators had improved and both are now working to restore the heathland. The BCC grant from RBBC had been cut to £85,000 and BCC had sought support from the RA’s. LKRA had donated £330 enabling them to purchase a large tree popper, a specific type of pruner. Lucy Shea, Clerk to BCC has been asked to write an article for our next Village Newsletter.
Jeff suggested that LKRA committee members may like to attend Banstead Conservators meetings although no meetings scheduled for a while.
Alan Mills, RBBC Climate Officer will give a talk to Banstead District Federation of Residents’ Associations later in year.
(c) Sub-group reports
- Planning this has been well covered in Part 1
- Roads no report
Website Susie was now dealing with this. She requested £40 for training and also requested that Sarah Lopez and Nicola Dunstan be trained – cost of £120. This was agreed.
- Health – no report
- Community events – both reps were unable to be present but Poppies will be considered at next meeting.
- AONB – Stella reported that she works with the Walton Heath Golf Course and can reiterate that they are keen to improve the landscape and manage it in an environmental sound way. They manage the course with as little fertiliser, water and chemicals input as possible and this is mainly restricted to the greens and tees. The largest areas of the course are managed for heathland and ecological diversity including input from a qualified ecologist. The R&A host tournaments at the course and require the club to make a commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. Details of this can be found on httpsP//
(d) General Admin
- Furtherance of contact with Fidelity – Gill to action
- Repair/replacement of Platinum Jubilee bench – dependent on Council workload.
- SCC permission to place a bench at the top of Rookery Way – Cllr Cooper has taken this on board.
- Chair position – advertise vacancy
(e) Treasurer’s report
Current account £512.57
Deposit account £9,507.61* 4
Total £10,020.18
*includes £253 of Run the rec grant from Fidelity
LKRA Money £9,767.18
No major expenses in the last couple of months.
Had an accidental payment into our account of £1K which should have been paid to the Lower Kingswood Village Fete. This was paid direct to the Fete.
Incoming monies
one new yearly advert £120
Fete Allocation £500
plus bank interest
Also on the positive side, we are receiving a decent amount of interest.
(f) Run the Rec – had been cancelled as lack of support.
(g) Any Other Business
Susie and Sarah said they knew of two people who wished to become members of the LKRA Committee, Gill, as Secretary had also had two more approaches. It was agreed to ask all to come to a meeting and have a 5minute slot to say what skill they could bring to the Committee. Our Constitution only allows for 3 co-opted members. We already have 1, the Treasurer.
The meeting ended at 9.45pm.