About The LKRA

The LKRA committee is elected at the AGM. The membership criteria ensure all members are residents of Lower Kingswood and hold no political, local, or national government office. The Association committee aims to meet at least five (5) times a year and invites local and county councillors and representatives of other public bodies to ensure residents’ views are raised with the relevant authorities.

These meetings provide the setting for updates on local activity to be shared.

The primary aim of the LKRA is to promote the common interests of the community and bring to the attention of those in authority matters that affect residents’ quality of life. These issues will include but are not limited to:

  • Planning
  • The environment
  • Local Traffic management
  • Licensing
  • Law and Order
  • Community Safety
  • Local economy
  • Health
  • Cultural Activities
  • Community Events

The LKRA seeks to provide quarterly newsletters to every resident on matters of local interest. Unlike many Residents Associations, the LKRA does not charge a subscription fee but relies on revenue obtained from advertising within its newsletter. LKRA Constitution can be viewed in full on this website here.